
10月22-25日,德国国际办公家具展(ORGATEC)在科隆举行,以“办公新视野”为主题汇聚了全球创新灵感,展示办公领域前沿设计和可持续解决方案。 From October 22 to 25, ORGATEC gathers global innovative inspiration under the theme of "New Vision of Office" , showcasing cutting-edge design and sustainable solutions in the office industry.   

期间,精一股份携三大展馆亮相,凭借创新设计、舒适的体验吸引众多客户打卡体验,成为展会全场人气焦点,加速了精一股份“品牌出海”进程,并深化了欧洲市场开拓及全球化战略。 JE Furniture showcased three booths, attracting numerous customers with innovative designs and comfort-focused experiences, enhancing European market influence and deepening global strategy.   

三大特色展馆 “玩转”多元办公空间 
Three Distinctive Booths Exploring Diverse Office Spaces   

ORGATEC科隆展上,精一股份精心打造“时尚可持续馆”、“潮流新派馆”和“高端美学馆”共三大展馆,全方位展示企业在办公家具领域的创新成果。 At ORGATEC in Cologne, JE Furniture has meticulously created three booths: the "Sustainable Office Hall," the "Trendy New Wave Hall," and the "High-End Aesthetics Hall," showcasing the company's innovative achievements in the office furniture sector.   

(01)JE精一 可持续办公馆 Sustainable Office Hall   

精一股份持续关注未来可持续办公的需求变化,展出产品不仅更注重环保和可持续性,在设计中融入了更多色彩和柔和的弧线等设计语言,回应人们对办公空间的情感价值诉求,通过产品的设计创新、工艺创新、结构创新,积极打造绿色产品、绿色工厂,致力为全球客户提供更多既符合现代设计美学又符合可持续办公的座具方案。 JE Furniture focuses on the evolving demands for sustainable office solutions. Its products prioritize environmental protection, featuring vibrant colors and soft curves. Through innovations in design, craftsmanship, and structure, the company actively creates green products and factories, offering global customers seating solutions that blend modern aesthetics with sustainability. 

(02)英陆华 潮流新派馆 Trendy New Wave Hall   

英陆华以年轻的潮流新派风格,向全球客户展示了办公场景风格融合的可能性。颠覆了以往商务感的设计,融入了更多年轻人喜欢的机甲潮玩以及色彩元素,展现了鲜明个性的风格,实现办公家具与潮流文化的完美结合,为办公空间带来了不一样的文化体验。 With a youthful and trendy style, Enova showcases the possibilities of office aesthetics to global customers. It redefines traditional business designs by incorporating popular mecha collectibles and vibrant colors favored by younger audiences, creating a bold, distinctive style. This fusion of office furniture and trendy culture brings a unique cultural experience to office spaces. (客户体验图片)     

(03)谷腾 高端美学馆 High-End Aesthetics Hall   

谷腾以秀场T台为展馆设计灵感,将缤纷色彩的POLY座椅置于舞台中央,上演一场办公届时尚大秀,亮丽的视觉惊喜瞬间吸引众多高端商务人士的目光,纷纷来到展馆体验和交流。谷腾高品质的产品体验和现代简约的风格重新定义了高端商务办公空间,为客户提供更多个性化的商务空间座具方案。   Inspired by a fashion runway, Goodtone designed its booth with POLY chairs in vibrant colors displayed at center stage, creating an office chair fashion show. The rich, bright colors attracted high-end business professionals to experience it. This high-quality experience and minimalist aesthetic redefine high-end office spaces, offering customers a wider range of seating solutions. 

创新设计实力 引领未来办公新趋势 
Innovative Design Power Leading the New Trends of Future Offices     


展望未来,精一股份将持续亮相国际舞台,积极推广更多创新、健康、绿色的办公座具解决方案,致力提升全球客户的办公环境质量,为构建更美好的未来办公环境贡献力量。   At ORGATEC 2024, JE showcased its strengths in product design and innovation. The new products reflect a clear understanding of future office spaces and user needs, highlighting the company's commitment to innovation while emphasizing health and environmental sustainability. In the future, JE will maintain its international influence, promoting innovative, healthy, and eco-friendly office furniture solutions. The company aims to enhance global office environments and contribute to a better future workplace.       


诚挚感谢全球客户的支持 明年3月CIFF广州展再会 

Thanks for your sincere support See you at CIFF Guangzhou in March next year!